Belviq, Belviq XR (lorcaserin) by Eisai: Drug Safety Communication - FDA Requests Withdrawal of Weight-Loss Drug 以下是創益生技股份有限公司的聲明
本公司(創益生技股份有限公司),針對美國FDA於2020年2月13 日發布在美國合法上市的減肥藥沛麗婷處方藥(Belviq,學名Lorcaserin)因可能增加罹癌風險,衛采製藥(Eisai)決定退出美國市場一事,說明如下: 1、 美國FDA用藥安全聲明內容指出,雖無法斷定沛麗婷Belviq(學名Lorcaserin)會導致特定癌症,但於第四期臨床試驗Camellia Study (進行五年,一萬兩千人,平均年齡64歲,平均體重為102公斤中,試驗組與對照組罹癌人數比為7.7%與7.1%,兩組數據臨床統計上無顯著差異,但原廠衛采製藥(Eisai)基於病人安全為首要條件之下,仍決定沛麗婷Belviq退出美國市場販售。 2、 本公司對於原廠衛采製藥(Eisai)決定退出美國市場的原因與資訊,因東西方時差關係,正在尋求聯繫與了解中。 3、 基於病人安全為首要條件之下,本公司也將通知醫療院所先暫停開立沛麗婷Belviq處方籤。 4、 對於已經服用或者正在服用沛麗婷Belviq的患者請不用過度恐慌,根據FDA於2020年2年13日發布的用藥安全(DSC, Drug safety communication )裡已詳載請病患停藥即可,不需立即做額外追蹤處置。 [Posted 02/13/2020] AUDIENCE: Patient, Health Professional, Pharmacy ISSUE: FDA has requested that the manufacturer of Belviq, Belviq XR (lorcaserin) voluntarily withdraw the weight-loss drug from the U.S. market because a safety clinical trial shows an increased occurrence of cancer. The drug manufacturer, Eisai Inc,. has submitted a request to voluntarily withdraw the drug. When FDA approved lorcaserin in 2012, we required the drug manufacturer to conduct a clinical trial to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular problems. A range of cancer types was reported, with several different types of cancers occurring more frequently in the lorcaserin group, including pancreatic, colorectal, and lung. BACKGROUND: In January 2020, FDA announced we were reviewing clinical trial data and alerted the public about a possible risk of cancer associated with lorcaserin based on preliminary analysis of the data. RECOMMENDATION: Patients Patients should stop taking lorcaserin and talk to your health professionals about alternative weight-loss medicines and weight management programs. It is best to dispose of unused lorcaserin using a drug take back location, but if you can’t get to one you can dispose of lorcaserin in your household trash: Mix the pills with an unappealing substance such as dirt, cat litter, or used coffee grounds; do not crush them. Place the mixture in a container such as a sealed plastic bag. Throw away the container in your trash at home. Remove or delete all personal information on the prescription label of empty medicine bottles or packaging, then throw away or recycle them. FDA is not recommending special screening for patients who have taken lorcaserin. Talk to your health care professional if you have questions. Health Professionals Health professionals should stop prescribing and dispensing lorcaserin to patients. Contact patients currently taking lorcaserin, inform them of the increased occurrence of cancer seen in the clinical trial, and ask them to stop taking the medicine. Discuss alternative weight-loss medicines or strategies with your patients. FDA is not recommending special screening for patients who have taken lorcaserin. As with any individual patient, regardless of prior lorcaserin treatment, standard screening recommendations for cancer should be implemented.
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